
abstract class Signature : Parcelable

Represents a single signature (or signature item). To create an InkAnnotation or from this signature use the toInkAnnotation and toStampAnnotation methods. You can check the signature annotation type through getAnnotationType.


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Indicates that the bitmap has not been set.
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val ID_NOT_SET: Long = -1
Indicates that the id has not been set.


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open fun create(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, @NonNull rect: RectF, @Nullable biometricSignatureData: BiometricSignatureData, drawWidthRatio: Float): Signature
open fun create(@ColorInt inkColor: Int, lineWidthPdf: Float, @NonNull lines: List<List<PointF>>, @Nullable biometricSignatureData: BiometricSignatureData, drawWidthRatio: Float): Signature
Creates the Signature.
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open fun fromJson(@NonNull signatureJson: JSONObject): Signature
open fun fromJson(id: Long, @NonNull signatureJson: JSONObject): Signature
Creates a signature object by parsing the provided JSON object.
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Gets the annotation type of the signature, which can either be InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation.
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Gets the biometric data that was collected with this signature.
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Gets the bitmap used for rendering the image signature, or null if the signature is not an image signature.
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abstract fun getBitmapIdentifier(): Int
Gets the bitmap identifier used for rendering the image signature, or BITMAP_NOT_SET if the signature is not represented by a bitmap.
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Returns bounding box of the signature data in pdf coordinates.
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abstract fun getId(): Long
Signature id number used in signature database.
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abstract fun getInkColor(): Int
Gets color used for signature ink.
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abstract fun getLines(): List<List<PointF>>
Access list of signature lines.
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abstract fun getLineWidth(): Float
Gets signature line width.
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Gets the ratio of signature width to width of the drawing view used when drawing the signature.
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abstract fun getStampRect(): RectF
Bounding rectangle for this signature's bitmap.
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open fun textToBitmap(@NonNull text: String, @NonNull font: Font, @ColorInt color: Int, @FloatRange(from = 0) scaleFactor: Float, @NonNull displayMetrics: DisplayMetrics): Bitmap
Creates a bitmap from text that the user typed and a font the user chose.
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open fun toInkAnnotation(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): InkAnnotation
open fun toInkAnnotation(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull touchPoint: PointF): InkAnnotation
open fun toInkAnnotation(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull targetRect: RectF): InkAnnotation
Builds ink annotation from signature data.
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Converts a signature into a JSON object.
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open fun toStampAnnotation(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): StampAnnotation
open fun toStampAnnotation(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull touchPoint: PointF): StampAnnotation
open fun toStampAnnotation(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull targetRect: RectF): StampAnnotation
Builds stamp annotation from signature data.