Handling runtime permissions in Cordova
To read and write files on the external storage, your app must acquire READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
permissions. To acquire these permissions, add them to your manifest:
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="your.app.package"> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> ... </manifest>
If your app targets Android 6.0+, these permissions aren’t granted to your app automatically after installation. Instead, you need to explicitly ask for them before opening files via PSPDFKit.present
You can use the Android Permission Cordova Plugin to request these permissions in your JavaScript files.
Install the plugin first:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-permissions
Then handle the permissions request before presenting the document:
function presentDocument() { PSPDFKit.present(documentUri); } var permissions = cordova.plugins.permissions; permissions.hasPermission( permissions.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, function (status) { if (status.hasPermission) { // Permission has been granted previously, so there is no need to request it again. presentDocument(); } else { var error = function () { // Permission has been denied. This example just logs a warning, so // make sure to handle this state in your application UI — e.g. // inform your user that you can't open the PDF without their permission, or similar. console.warn('External storage permission has been denied'); }; var success = function (status) { if (!status.hasPermission) { // Permission has been denied. error(); } else { // Permission has been granted. Present the document. presentDocument(); } }; // Request the permission to read files from external storage. permissions.requestPermission( permissions.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, success, error, ); } }, );
Your users will now be presented with the following dialog asking them to grant the required permissions.
Once the external storage permission has been granted, the document will open correctly.