Public Overloads Function DrawBarcodePDF417( _ ByVal Data As String, _ ByVal EncodingMode As BarcodePDF417EncodingMode, _ ByVal ErrorCorrectionLevel As BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel, _ ByVal Rows As Integer, _ ByVal Cols As Integer, _ ByVal ModuleWidth As Integer, _ ByVal RowHeight As Integer, _ ByVal DstX As Single, _ ByVal DstY As Single, _ ByVal FillColor As Color _ ) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus DrawBarcodePDF417( string Data, BarcodePDF417EncodingMode EncodingMode, BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel ErrorCorrectionLevel, int Rows, int Cols, int ModuleWidth, int RowHeight, float DstX, float DstY, Color FillColor )
public function DrawBarcodePDF417( Data: String; EncodingMode: BarcodePDF417EncodingMode; ErrorCorrectionLevel: BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel; Rows: Integer; Cols: Integer; ModuleWidth: Integer; RowHeight: Integer; DstX: Single; DstY: Single; FillColor: Color ): GdPictureStatus;
public function DrawBarcodePDF417( Data : String, EncodingMode : BarcodePDF417EncodingMode, ErrorCorrectionLevel : BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel, Rows : int, Cols : int, ModuleWidth : int, RowHeight : int, DstX : float, DstY : float, FillColor : Color ) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus DrawBarcodePDF417( string* Data, BarcodePDF417EncodingMode EncodingMode, BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel ErrorCorrectionLevel, int Rows, int Cols, int ModuleWidth, int RowHeight, float DstX, float DstY, Color FillColor )
public: GdPictureStatus DrawBarcodePDF417( String^ Data, BarcodePDF417EncodingMode EncodingMode, BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel ErrorCorrectionLevel, int Rows, int Cols, int ModuleWidth, int RowHeight, float DstX, float DstY, Color FillColor )
- Data
- The data to encode using the required barcode symbol.
- EncodingMode
- A member of the BarcodePDF417EncodingMode enumeration. The barcode encoding mode.
You can use the BarcodePDF417EncodingMode.BarcodePDF417EncodingModeUndefined to let the engine analyze the input and to select the most appropriate encoding mode.
- ErrorCorrectionLevel
- A member of the BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel enumeration. The error correction level.
You can use the BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel.BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevelAuto to let the engine automatically determine the required level.
- Rows
- Specifies the number of rows constituting the barcode symbol.
A PDF417 symbol must have at least 3 rows and no more than 90. It is recommended to use 0 for automatic computation.
- Cols
- Specifies the number of columns constituting the barcode symbol.
A column refers to the set of codewords vertically. A PDF41 symbol may have 1 to 30 columns. It is recommended to use 0 for automatic computation.
- ModuleWidth
- The width of a module, in points.
Module is the smallest unit of a PDF417 symbol. The width of a module (width of the narrowest bar) is commonly referred as X dimension of the symbol, for more details on this please read the Remarks section below.
- RowHeight
- The height of each row, in points.
For better decodability, height should be no less than 2, for more details on this please read the Remarks section below.
- DstX
- The horizontal (X) coordinate of the destination point, expressed in the current units specified by the SetMeasurementUnit method with respect to the defined origin, related to the currently selected page.
- DstY
- The vertical (Y) coordinate of the destination point, expressed in the current units specified by the SetMeasurementUnit method with respect to the defined origin, related to the currently selected page.
- FillColor
- A color object that defines the color to be used for drawing a required barcode symbol.
Return Value
We strongly recommend always checking this status first.