GdPicture14 Namespace / TextExtractionOptions Enumeration

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TextExtractionOptions Enumeration
In This Topic
Specifies various options for the text search/extraction engine customization.
Public Enum TextExtractionOptions 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum TextExtractionOptions : System.Enum 
public enum TextExtractionOptions = class(System.Enum)
public enum TextExtractionOptions extends System.Enum
__value public enum TextExtractionOptions : public System.Enum 
public enum class TextExtractionOptions : public System.Enum 
Default0The default option means the default behavior, when no flags are defined.
DisableTextOrientationDetection16Setting this flag disables text orientation detection in the text extraction engine.
ExactWordLineMatching2Setting this flag forces the engine to only place words on the same line if the vertical coordinates of their bounding boxes are matching exactly. Otherwise, the text extraction will apply threshold value when matching the vertical coordinates of words bounding boxes.
IgnoreRotatedText32Setting this flag forces engine to ignore text that is rotated in reference general text orientation.
IgnoreToUnicodeMapFormat4Setting this flag forces the engine to ignore the format of ToUnicode table in Simple Fonts in cases where multibyte notation is used. Otherwise, the text extraction will only use the ToUnicode table with Simple Fonts if the single-byte notation is used according to PDF specification.
IgnoreUnexpectedWhitespace1Setting this flag forces the engine to ignore whitespace characters that intersect bounding box of a recognized word. Otherwise, the whitespace character is included as a regular word component based on its position relative to the word bounding box.
PreserveLayout8Setting this flag forces the engine to try and preserve the text layout as presented on page.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also