Public Overloads Function DrawBarcodeDataMatrix( _ ByVal Data As String, _ ByVal EncodingMode As BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode, _ ByVal Version As BarcodeDataMatrixVersion, _ ByVal QuietZone As Integer, _ ByVal ModuleSize As Integer, _ ByVal DstX As Single, _ ByVal DstY As Single, _ ByVal FillColor As Color, _ ByVal BackColor As Color _ ) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus DrawBarcodeDataMatrix( string Data, BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode EncodingMode, BarcodeDataMatrixVersion Version, int QuietZone, int ModuleSize, float DstX, float DstY, Color FillColor, Color BackColor )
public function DrawBarcodeDataMatrix( Data: String; EncodingMode: BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode; Version: BarcodeDataMatrixVersion; QuietZone: Integer; ModuleSize: Integer; DstX: Single; DstY: Single; FillColor: Color; BackColor: Color ): GdPictureStatus;
public function DrawBarcodeDataMatrix( Data : String, EncodingMode : BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode, Version : BarcodeDataMatrixVersion, QuietZone : int, ModuleSize : int, DstX : float, DstY : float, FillColor : Color, BackColor : Color ) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus DrawBarcodeDataMatrix( string* Data, BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode EncodingMode, BarcodeDataMatrixVersion Version, int QuietZone, int ModuleSize, float DstX, float DstY, Color FillColor, Color BackColor )
public: GdPictureStatus DrawBarcodeDataMatrix( String^ Data, BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode EncodingMode, BarcodeDataMatrixVersion Version, int QuietZone, int ModuleSize, float DstX, float DstY, Color FillColor, Color BackColor )
- Data
- The data to encode using the required barcode symbol.
- EncodingMode
- A member of the BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode enumeration. The DataMatrix barcode high level encoding mode.
- Version
- A member of the BarcodeDataMatrixVersion enumeration. The version of the DataMatrix barcode.
You can use the BarcodeDataMatrixVersion.BarcodeDataMatrixVersionAuto to let the engine decide the minimum version required to encode all specified data.
- QuietZone
- The number of modules composing the quiet zone.
A quiet zone is the margin area around the DataMatrix barcode, that does not contain any information. It separates the symbol from its surroundings and it should be at least one module wide. Using width of two module sizes is a good practice.
- ModuleSize
- The size of each module within the drawn symbol, in points.
The module is the smallest cell in the DataMatrix barcode. The module size has to be made out of at least 2×2 printed dots for bigger reliability, therefore the recommended value for this parameter is 4 and greater.
- DstX
- The horizontal (X) coordinate of the destination point, expressed in the current units specified by the SetMeasurementUnit method with respect to the defined origin, related to the currently selected page.
- DstY
- The vertical (Y) coordinate of the destination point, expressed in the current units specified by the SetMeasurementUnit method with respect to the defined origin, related to the currently selected page.
- FillColor
- A color object that defines the color to be used for drawing a required barcode symbol.
- BackColor
- A color object that defines the color to be used for drawing a background behind the barcode symbol.
Return Value
We strongly recommend always checking this status first.