PSPDFKit for Web 2022.1 migration

Note: version 2022.1.0 contains a bug that was immediately fixed in the next version, 2022.1.1. Please use version 2022.1.1 instead of 2022.1.0.

This release adds support for page headers and footers in PDF Generation. It also adds support for Postgres 14 and deprecates compatibility with a few older versions.

Headers and Footers in PDF Generation

It’s now possible to define custom headers and footers in your HTML templates used for PDF generation. These elements will be repeated across all generated pages. When defining a header or footer, you can use any HTML or CSS to add images, use custom fonts, set a background, etc. Additionally, you can easily display page numbers or page counts.

Read our headers and footers guide to learn more about the feature!

Postgres 14 Support

This version brings compatibility with PostgreSQL 14. We’re also deprecating support for version 10 and dropping compatibility for version 9.

For upgrade instructions, please refer to either the official PostgreSQL upgrade guide if you’re running the database on-premises, or to your cloud provider’s documentation.

Warning Log Format Change

Previously, all PSPDFKit Server warning logs contained the [warn] label. Since this release, the warning logs are tagged with [warning] instead.

Database Migrations

This release doesn’t include any database migrations.

Other Changes

This release includes many more improvements. For a full list of changes, check out the Server changelog.

Migrate PSPDFKit for Web

For more information, please take a look at the PSPDFKit for Web 2022.1 Migration Guide.