| Name | Description |
 | AddCustomDictionary | Adds a custom language dictionary from the defined resource folder to be used during subsequent OCR processes. You are able to add multiple custom
languages by calling this method for each custom language file according to your preference. The specified language is then added internally in the
current GdPictureOCR object. |
 | AddLanguage | Adds a known language from the defined resource folder to be used during subsequent OCR processes. You are able to add multiple languages by calling this
method for each language according to your preference. The specified language is then added internally in the current GdPictureOCR object. |
 | Dispose | Disposes of the GdPictureOCR object completely. All related resources used by this object are released.
All used OCR results within the current GdPictureOCR object are released too. |
 | GetAvailableLanguage | Returns a name of the specific known language dictionary available in the currently defined resource folder according to the index you have specified. You can use the GdPictureOCR.GetAvailableLanguageCount method to determine the number of all available language dictionaries. The index is simply an integer value within the interval from 0 to GdPictureOCR.GetAvailableLanguageCount-1. |
 | GetAvailableLanguageCount | Returns a number of all known language dictionaries available in the currently defined resource folder. |
 | GetAvailableLanguages | Returns a name list of all known language dictionaries available in the currently defined resource folder. |
 | GetAverageWordConfidence | Returns the average word confidence of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockBottom | Returns the bottom y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetBlockCount | Returns the number of blocks within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockFirstParagraphIndex | Returns the index of the first paragraph in the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockLeft | Returns the left x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetBlockOrientation | Returns the orientation of the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockParagraphCount | Returns the number of paragraphs within the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockRight | Returns the right x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetBlockSpecialFormat | Returns the special format of the specified block within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockSpecialFormatData | Returns the special format data of the specified block within a specified OCR result, as JSON format. |
 | GetBlockTop | Returns the top y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetBlockType | Returns the type of the specified block within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetBlockWritingDirection | Returns the writing direction of the specified block, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetCharacterAlternativeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of specific alternative character.
 | GetCharacterAlternativeCount |
Returns the number of alternative symbols of a specific character recognized by the engine.
 | GetCharacterAlternativeValue |
Returns the value of specific alternative character.
 | GetCharacterBottom | Returns the bottom y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetCharacterConfidence | Returns the confidence of the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetCharacterCount | Returns the number of characters within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetCharacterLeft | Returns the left x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetCharacterRight | Returns the right x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetCharacterTop | Returns the top y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetCharacterValue | Gets the value of the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetCharacterWordIndex | Returns the index of the word, which incorporates the specified character, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetFormFieldCount |
Returns the number of extracted form fields within a specified OCR result.
Form fields extraction is automatically performed during each OCR process.
 | GetFormFieldKeyRect |
Returns the location of the key part of a specified form field.
 | GetFormFieldKeyText |
Returns the text of a specified form field.
 | GetFormFieldType |
Returns the type of a specified form field.
 | GetFormFieldValueRect |
Returns the location of the value part of a specified form field.
 | GetFormFieldValueText |
Returns the text of the key of a specified form field.
 | GetKeyValuePairConfidence |
Returns the detection confidence a specified key-value pair.
 | GetKeyValuePairCount |
Returns the number of extracted key-value pairs within a specified OCR result.
Key-value pairs extraction is automatically performed during each OCR process.
 | GetKeyValuePairDataType |
Returns the data type of a specified key-value pair.
 | GetKeyValuePairIsStrong |
Returns whether a specific key-value pair is strong.
A pair is marked as strong when a semantic relationship have been established during the detection process.
 | GetKeyValuePairKeyRect |
Returns the location of the key part of a specified key-value pair.
 | GetKeyValuePairKeyString |
Returns the string representation of the key part of a specified key-value pair.
 | GetKeyValuePairPublicName | |
 | GetKeyValuePairValueRect |
Returns the location of the value part of a specified key-value pair.
 | GetKeyValuePairValueString |
Returns the string representation of the value part of a specified key-value pair.
 | GetOCRResultText | Overloaded. Returns the recognized text of the provided OCR result, identifiable by its unique ID, as a formatted string.
The empty lines, if recognized, are not provided in the resulting text. |
 | GetOrientation | Computes the page orientation of the image previously set by the GdPictureOCR.SetImage method. In order to correct the resulting orientation, you need to rotate the image by the following angle: 360 - returned value. |
 | GetPageRotation | Returns the page rotation, in degrees, clockwise, detected during a specific OCR process. |
 | GetPageSkewAngle | Returns the page skew angle, in degrees, clockwise, detected during a specific OCR process. |
 | GetParagraphBlockIndex | Returns the index of the block, which incorporates the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetParagraphBottom | Returns the bottom y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetParagraphCount | Returns the number of paragraphs within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetParagraphFirstTextLineIndex | Returns the index of the first text line in the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetParagraphJustification | Returns the justification of the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetParagraphLeft | Returns the left x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetParagraphRight | Returns the right x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetParagraphTextLineCount | Returns the number of text lines within the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetParagraphTop | Returns the top y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified paragraph, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetSerializedResult |
Returns the whole OCR result based on internal GdPicture structures serialized as json string.
 | GetStat | Returns the status of the last executed operation with the current GdPictureOCR object. |
 | GetTableCellRect |
Returns the location of a cell in a specified table.
 | GetTableCellText |
Returns the text content of a cell in a specified table.
 | GetTableColumnCount |
Returns the number of columns in a specified table.
 | GetTableColumnRect |
Returns the location of a column in a specified table.
 | GetTableCount |
Returns the number of detected tables within a specified OCR result.
 | GetTableRect |
Returns the location of a specified table.
 | GetTableRowCount |
Returns the number of rows in a specified table.
 | GetTableRowRect |
Returns the location of a row in a specified table.
 | GetTextLineBottom | Returns the bottom y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified text line, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetTextLineCount | Returns the number of text lines within a specified OCR result.
The resulting value doesn't contain any empty lines, as they are not provided in the OCR result. |
 | GetTextLineFirstWordIndex | Returns the index of the first word in the specified text line, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetTextLineLeft | Returns the left x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified text line, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetTextLineParagraphIndex | Returns the index of the paragraph, which incorporates the specified text line, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetTextLineRight | Returns the right x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified text line, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetTextLineTop | Returns the top y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified line, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetTextLineValue | Gets the value of the specified line, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetTextLineWordCount | Returns the number of words within the specified text line, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordBottom | Returns the bottom y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetWordCharacterCount | Returns the number of characters within the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordConfidence | Returns, the specified word confidence within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordCount | Returns the number of words within a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordFirstCharacterIndex | Returns the index of the first character in the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordFontSize | Returns the size of the detected font of the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordIsFromDictionary | Returns, if the specified word within a specified OCR result, has been found in the added dictionaries. |
 | GetWordLeft | Returns the left x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetWordLineIndex | Returns the index of the line, which incorporates the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordRecognitionLanguage | Returns the name of the language used to recognize the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordRight | Returns the right x-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetWordSpacesBefore | Returns the number of spaces before the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | GetWordTop | Returns the top y-coordinate of the bounding box of the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result.
This method uses a coordinate system, where the origin is in the top-left corner of the processed image and the units are pixels. |
 | GetWordValue | Returns the value of the specified word, that is a part of a specified OCR result. |
 | IsHeaderCell |
Specify whether if the cell's coordinate is located in the table's header.
 | ReleaseOCRResult | Releases an OCR result specified by its unique identifier. Each OCR result, identifiable by its unique ID, is internally attached to that GdPictureOCR
object, which has executed the OCR process. By disposing of the current GdPictureOCR object you also release all attached OCR results. |
 | ReleaseOCRResults | Releases all results of all previously executed OCR processes within the current GdPictureOCR object. Each OCR result is internally attached to that
GdPictureOCR object, which has executed the OCR process. By disposing of the current GdPictureOCR object you also release all attached OCR results. |
 | ResetParameters | Resets all parameters of the current GdPictureOCR object to their default values, including added languages, custom dictionaries and internal engine variables.
This does not apply to OCR results used in the current object. |
 | ResetROI | Resets the previously specified region of interest, means completely removes the region's data. |
 | ResetSelectedDictionaries | Resets, means completely release, all previously added languages and dictionaries by the GdPictureOCR.AddLanguage and the GdPictureOCR.AddCustomDictionary methods. |
 | RunOCR | Overloaded. Executes the OCR using the available parameters you have specified within the current GdPictureOCR object. |
 | SaveAsDOCX | Overloaded. Saves the specified OCR result to a docx file. |
 | SaveAsHTML | Overloaded. Saves the specified OCR result to a html file. |
 | SaveAsText | Overloaded. Saves the specified OCR result to a text file. |
 | SaveAsXLSX | Overloaded. Saves the specified OCR results to an xlsx file. |
 | SetImage | Sets up the specified image object, so that it is subsequently used when you start the next OCR process. This step is mandatory before running any OCR.
This aproach permits you to highly improve performance when running multiple subsequent OCR processes on the same image, for example using different regions of interest or using different charsets, etc. |
 | SetROI | Sets up the new region of interest (ROI) of an image, that is subsequently processed using the OCR.
Only the specified region is included into the next OCR process. |
 | SetVariable | Sets up a specified value for an internal parameter of the OCR engine. The Tesseract engine has a large number of control parameters to modify its behavior. |