Digital Workflow Meaning
Digital Workflow is concerned with ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of business workflows but takes the idea further by focusing on external users, including customers, vendors, etc. This means designing better user experiences and reducing as much friction as possible. It is the logical successor to Business Process Management.
The Key Benefits of Digital Workflow
Easy collaboration
Mobile-friendly interface
Offloading customer tasks to automation
Rapid issue response
Triggered reminders and notifications
Workflow transparency for users
So while Business Process Management software may have focused on getting the workflow right, Digital Workflow Automation assumes the workflow has been optimized and instead focuses on making the overall user experience more engaging and effective.
Scaling Your Workflow Automation
Companies can come at workflow optimization in two different ways. From a “Top-Down Perspective” or a “Bottom-Up Perspective.”
Top-down is about understanding the bigger picture. With a top-down approach, there is usually consensus on what all the workflow pieces look like, which ones are more important, or where to focus priority and consider the inter-linkages in an overall solution.
Bottom-Up focuses on small victories. This approach begins by focusing on a specific problem – usually a reasonably limited scope-and then redesigning it. Once the solution is in place, a new workflow problem is addressed.
(Read More About Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up)
Regardless of your approach, it’s critical for a digital workflow system to scale to fit your needs. This means:
Providing a cloud-based solution that is available 24X7 to administrators and users.
Flexibility in digital process number, size, and complexity.
Integration using an open API to connect to multiple enterprise systems.
Full-service implementation and support services.
Not all systems are created equal in terms of scalability. Make sure you discuss not just your current use cases with your vendor, ask about where you plan to go in the future.
Identifying Areas for Better User Experience
You may have gone through a business workflow review or similar effort to identify processes performed inefficiently, rife with errors, or need a tune-up. We’ve covered the topic on our blog and in our BPM Guide extensively. To improve the user experience in a digital environment, you’ll need to look at the experience users have when interacting with the workflow, including:
Alerts/Reminders : Are users alerted at the right time with the right frequency, and are their instructions clear?
User Context : Are users aware at all times of where they are in a particular workflow and what will happen next?
Online Forms : Are forms clearly understood and as brief as possible? Is the layout easy to move through for users?
Screen Size : Do forms and other elements display well on mobile? Can actions be taken as easily as on the desktop?
User Flow : Have you documented and understood the user journey for each type of user?
UX/UI Resources
Nutrient Workflow’s Approach to Workflow Automation
Nutrient Workflow’s workflow automation platform gives digital workflow designers and administrators full control of all elements exposed to users during workflow flow. This means:
A powerful form designer that outputs mobile-friendly forms by default.
A self-service user portal can be configured to ensure users can find what they need quickly.
Anyone involved in a workflow, whether it’s a vendor submitting information for a new project or a student requesting classes for the next semester, can see exactly where they are in the workflow and what’s coming next.
Workflows can be integrated with existing applications like ERP, CRM, HRIS, Accounting, and more to ensure holistic, enterprise-wide workflow.
Finally, we build collaboration into every workflow. Whether two service representatives need to chat about a current request or a financial analyst needs to talk with a site manager about a potential purchase, discussions, and documents can easily be shared at any time.
We also partner with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) vendors to ensure a seamless experience when a customer’s needs require an approach for capture, interpret inputs, and then manage them as if being performed by a real agent.
Learn More about Digital Workflow Automation
We have a variety of resources to help you on your journey to a digital workflow.
Workflow Tools and eBooks
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