Release notes for SharePoint Document Converter on-premises

The release notes for the various Document Converter versions are listed below. If you’ve identified an issue that isn’t listed here, explore our FAQ, submit a Support request, or contact us for assistance.

Release notes are available for the following public releases:

Document Converter v12.0

This new version of Document Converter brings exciting features that will improve document security and customization. The new features are available for both Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premises and Document Converter Services.

Important: Our software requires .NET Framework 4.8 to function properly; ensure it’s installed on your system.

Smart redaction

Redact sensitive information in PDF files with ease using predefined categories such as:

  • Credit card numbers

  • Email addresses

  • IBANs

  • Phone numbers

  • URIs

  • VAT IDs

  • Vehicle identification numbers (VINs)

Customize the redaction overlay color with various options, including: black, transparent, aqua, teal, navy, yellow, olive, lime, blue, fuchsia, purple, red, maroon, white, gray, silver, green.

Pattern redaction

Use regular expressions (regex) or terms to identify and redact specific patterns in a PDF file, offering enhanced flexibility for custom redaction needs. It’s also possible to customize the color of the redaction zone.

Pattern highlight

Highlight text in a PDF file based on text search patterns and exact terms only, improving document review workflows and data discovery. Add a highlight to text in the input PDF based on a regex expression or terms. It’s also possible to customize the color and transparency of the highlight.


Alternative browser path for GdPicture calls

  • GdPicture now supports an alternative browser engine for conversion processes. This improvement ensures consistent behavior when the default browser behaves unexpectedly or when supplier updates affect browser functionality. Configure the alternative browser path in the Config file for Document Converter Services.

Bug fixes

Compatibility with the latest version of Chrome on Windows Server 2019 and 2022

  • Resolved issues caused by changes in default behavior in the latest Chrome browser updates.

Updated external links in the configuration file

  • Revised external references within the configuration file to point to current and accurate locations.

Fixed merge error display

  • Addressed page dimension issues on the error page generated during document merging.

Document Converter v11.1

New features:

On top of the various performance, stability, and security improvements, the following new features have been included in the v11.1 release.

  • This release adds new workflow actions for SharePoint Designer 2010 and Nintex workflow engines:

    • KVP extraction — A new and exciting feature is key-value pair (KVP) extraction from PDF documents. The layout of a document is analyzed, and potential KVPs are resolved and returned either as plain text, XML, or JSON. This functionality is now available as SharePoint Designer and Nintex workflow actions.

    • Text extraction from text-based PDF documents is now available as a SharePoint Designer and Nintex workflow action.

    • The new GdPicture OCR engine is included. It features better results and a wider variety of languages. It’s now possible to select the GdPicture OCR engine for OCR directly in the SharePoint Designer and Nintex workflow actions.

  • Preserving annotations when splitting PDF documents — Previously, during splitting PDF documents, all annotations and comments were automatically removed. From version 11.1, removal of annotations is configurable. Set the following configuration value to true to preserve annotations during the split operation:

<add key="PDF.Split.PreserveAnnotations" value="true"/>

Document Converter v11.0

New features:

  • KVP extraction — A new and exciting feature is key-value pair (KVP) extraction from PDF documents. The layout of a document is analyzed, and potential KVPs are resolved and returned either as plain text, XML, or JSON. Here is the sample code.

  • Text extraction from text-based PDF documents is now available. Check out this sample code.

  • The new GdPicture OCR engine is included. It features better results and a wider variety of languages. Out of the box, Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premises is supplied with many languages for the GdPicture OCR engine, including:

  • Arabic

  • German

  • English

  • French

  • Hebrew

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Dutch

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

  • Vietnamese

Learn how to set the default OCR engine to GdPicture OCR by modifying the web service configuration or specifying the desired OCR engine directly from the code.

  • The new GdPicture conversion technology

The new GdPicture converter is capable of converting a wide variety of documents into PDFs.

Here’s a list of the supported input types for conversion to PDF:


Here’s sample code. You can also read this article to learn how to configure GdPicture Converter to use it globally. If you need to avoid Microsoft Office as a dependency, refer to this knowledge base article.

Breaking Changes

In the latest version of Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premises, we introduced the following changes due to the security risks with older versions of Chromium and Chrome. (This can be mitigated by using installed Chrome with regular updates.) Additionally, we removed the bundled Chromium to make the installer smaller and reduce installation time.

Chrome on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012 R2 is only available up to version 109. Muhimbi would’ve had to bundle both 109 and the latest version, adding complexity and size.

Blink binaries (aka portable Chromium) are no longer includedLearn more about alternate options.

iFrame, embed, and object entities are automatically removed — If your conversions rely on these entities and you’re confident about their safety, it’s possible to configure the conversion to keep them. For more information, refer to this article.

Document Converter v10.3.1

New features:

  • The Chromium-based HTML-to-PDF converter now runs under lowered privileges, making conversion more secure.

  • Administrators can configure the Muhimbi Document Converter Service to use, for HTML-to-PDF conversion:

    • The Chrome application installed systemwide on the conversion service machine.

    • A portable Chrome build of their choice located on the conversion service machine.

  • Administrators can configure the Muhimbi Document Converter Service to automatically remove certain potentially malicious HTML tags when a URL or HTML source is converted into PDF.

Document Converter v10.3.0

  • Improved compatibility with Ghostscript 10.01.0 and later

  • New Conversion Service configuration which optionally disables incremental update when watermarking PDF documents. When watermarking PDF documents with many pages the resulting file size is far too big. Example: a 420MB file with 5800 pages become 790MB. From now on, users can optionally disable incremental update and the file size will not increase.

  • PDF Document Compression As of version 10.3, Document Converter can make use of the Hyper Compression option. This can reduce the size of the output files by removing unwanted items (annotations, blank pages, JavaScript), downscaling images and using improved image compression techniques. Hyper-compression, also known as Mixed Raster Content (MRC), is an image compression benefiting from image segmentation methods. It is particularly useful for images containing text and continuous-tone graphics.

  • Chromium binaries have been updated to the last version supported by Windows Server 2008R2 and Windows Server 2012

  • Office 2019 compatibility

  • Implemented trial watermarks for Office documents

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM / IRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via IRM / DRM / RMS / AIP or similar solutions are not supported. For details see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 (and later) workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint v10.2.0

New features:

  • Exporting PDF forms data from XML Form Architecture (XFA) forms (previously AcroForms only).

  • Importing PDF form data into AcroForms and XML Form Architecture (XFA) documents.

  • Enabled conversion of .vsdm (macro-enabled Visio drawing) files.

  • Updated Chromium binaries to v94.0.

  • Reading document properties (built-in and custom properties for PDF and Word documents).

  • Document conversion SharePoint Designer workflow now allows users to specify template file for InfoPath conversion or PDF forms data import.

  • SharePoint Designer, Workflow Manager, and Nintex workflow action to retrieve a single document property from a PDF or Word document.

  • Ghostscript compatibility with version 9.55.

  • Support for “On behalf of” string in .msg email conversion.

  • New scale property for Chromium HTML-to-PDF conversion.

  • Diagnostic tool can now specify template for InfoPath conversion and PDF forms data import.

  • Diagnostic tool can now retrieve document information from PDF and MS Word documents.

Fixes for:

8129 — Incorrect number of pages during Word conversion with custom bookmarks, on EU servers only. 7643 — Unicode characters in some emails turn into \uN?. 8085/8086 — Improving InfoPath conversion stability.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v10.1.2

An overview of breaking changes / points of caution when upgrading from a previous version can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM / IRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via IRM / DRM / RMS / AIP or similar solutions are not supported. For details see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 (and later) workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v10.1.1

An overview of breaking changes / points of caution when upgrading from a previous version can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM / IRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via IRM / DRM / RMS / AIP or similar solutions are not supported. For details see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v10.1

An overview of breaking changes / points of caution when upgrading from a previous version can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM / IRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via IRM / DRM / RMS / AIP or similar solutions are not supported. For details see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v10.0

An overview of breaking changes / points of caution when upgrading from a previous version can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM / IRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via IRM / DRM / RMS / AIP or similar solutions are not supported. For details see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v8.4

An overview of breaking changes / points of caution when upgrading from a previous version can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v8.3

An overview of breaking changes / points of caution when upgrading from a previous version can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

Known issues of this version are as follows:

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v8.2

Read the announcement to see what is new in 8.2. Known issues of these versions are as follows.

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v8.1

Read the announcement to see what is new in 8.1. Known issues of these versions are as follows.

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v8.0

Read the announcement to see what is new in 8.0. Known issues of these versions are as follows.

#2461 - Office 2016 is not recognised by installer

The installer carries out a number of checks to verify that MS-Office has been deployed on the server running the Conversion Service. At this moment the installer recognises Office 2007-2013 and will display a warning that Office was not found when using Office 2016. If Office 2016 is installed as per the Administration Guide, then this warning can be ignored.

#2555 - Unattended installation option not available

The new installer currently doesn’t support unattended installation. This will be introduced as part of version 8.1

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v7.3

Read the announcement to see what is new in 7.3. Known issues of these versions are as follows.

#2020 - JPEG2000 encoded PDFs cannot be OCRed

The Document Converter’s OCR add-on has the ability to recognise text in scanned PDF files and make these files fully searchable and indexable. Scanned content can be encoded in many different ways, but PDFs that use JPEG2000 encoding cannot be OCRed. As a workaround use the Document Converter Professional to convert the PDF to an older PDF version that doesn’t support JPEG2000 before sending it for OCR processing.

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1874 - SharePoint 2013’s optional workflow engine is not supported.

SharePoint 2013 comes with two different workflow engines, the one that ships with SharePoint 2007 and 2010, which is the default workflow engine, and an optional new product called Windows Azure Workflow. The SharePoint Designer workflow components that ship with the Muhimbi Document Converter for SharePoint only work with the Default SharePoint Workflow Engine and not with Windows Azure Workflow. If you wish to use Windows Azure Workflow then you need to use Workflow Interop.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1813 - The Service installer does not run on systems with only .net 4.5 installed

Although the PDF Conversion Service works fine on .NET 4.5 systems, the .NET Framework 3.0 / 3.5 needs to be installed for the installer to be able to run. The various copies of the .net framework can be installed at the same time and run in parallel.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v7.2 - 7.2.1 -1

Read the announcement to see what is new in 7.2 and 7.2.1. Known issues of these versions are as follows.

#2020 - JPEG2000 encoded PDFs cannot be OCRed

The Document Converter’s OCR add-on has the ability to recognise text in scanned PDF files and make these files fully searchable and indexable. Scanned content can be encoded in many different ways, but PDFs that use JPEG2000 encoding cannot be OCRed. As a workaround use the Document Converter Professional to convert the PDF to an older PDF version that doesn’t support JPEG2000 before sending it for OCR processing.

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1874 - SharePoint 2013’s optional workflow engine is not supported.

SharePoint 2013 comes with two different workflow engines, the one that ships with SharePoint 2007 and 2010, which is the default workflow engine, and an optional new product called Windows Azure Workflow. The SharePoint Designer workflow components that ship with the Muhimbi Document Converter for SharePoint only work with the Default SharePoint Workflow Engine and not with Windows Azure Workflow. If you wish to use Windows Azure Workflow then you need to use Workflow Interop.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1813 - The Service installer does not run on systems with only .net 4.5 installed

Although the PDF Conversion Service works fine on .NET 4.5 systems, the .NET Framework 3.0 / 3.5 needs to be installed for the installer to be able to run. The various copies of the .net framework can be installed at the same time and run in parallel.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time. For a workaround see this Knowledge Base article.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v7.1

Known issues of the 7.1 version are as follows.

#2020 - JPEG2000 encoded PDFs cannot be OCRed

The Document Converter’s OCR add-on has the ability to recognise text in scanned PDF files and make these files fully searchable and indexable. Scanned content can be encoded in many different ways, but PDFs that use JPEG2000 encoding cannot be OCRed. As a workaround use the Document Converter Professional to convert the PDF to an older PDF version that doesn’t support JPEG2000 before sending it for OCR processing.

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1874 - SharePoint 2013’s optional workflow engine is not supported.

SharePoint 2013 comes with two different workflow engines, the one that ships with SharePoint 2007 and 2010, which is the default workflow engine, and an optional new product called Windows Azure Workflow. The SharePoint Designer workflow components that ship with the Muhimbi Document Converter for SharePoint only work with the Default SharePoint Workflow Engine and not with Windows Azure Workflow. If you wish to use Windows Azure Workflow then you need to use Workflow Interop.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1813 - The Service installer does not run on systems with only .net 4.5 installed

Although the PDF Conversion Service works fine on .NET 4.5 systems, the .NET Framework 3.0 / 3.5 needs to be installed for the installer to be able to run. The various copies of the .net framework can be installed at the same time and run in parallel.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v7.0

Known issues of the 7.0 version are as follows.

#1889 - The old SharePoint 2010 GUI is not supported in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 comes with a compatibility mode that displays everything using the old SharePoint 2010 user interface. The Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise does not support this mode, please upgrade your sites to the SharePoint 2013 user interface.

#1874 - SharePoint 2013’s optional workflow engine is not supported.

SharePoint 2013 comes with two different workflow engines, the one that ships with SharePoint 2007 and 2010, which is the default workflow engine, and an optional new product called Windows Azure Workflow. The SharePoint Designer workflow components that ship with the Muhimbi Document Converter for SharePoint only work with the Default SharePoint Workflow Engine and not with Windows Azure Workflow. If you wish to use Windows Azure Workflow then you need to use Workflow Interop.

#1861 - When FastWebView / Linearization is used PDF Security cannot be applied

As of version 7.0 the OCR and PDF/A Archiving add-on license allows a PDF to be optimised for use on the web (FastWebView / Linearization). This option cannot be used in combination with PDF Security and encryption.

#1813 - The Service installer does not run on systems with only .net 4.5 installed

Although the PDF Conversion Service works fine on .NET 4.5 systems, the .NET Framework 3.0 / 3.5 needs to be installed for the installer to be able to run. The various copies of the .net framework can be installed at the same time and run in parallel.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 & SP2013 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v6.1

Known issues of the 6.1 version are as follows.

#1801 - File names with multiple periods are truncated during conversion

When a file name contains multiple periods (’.’) then the name may be truncated after the first period. We are working on a fix, as a temporary workaround replace periods with dashes (’-’).

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v6.0

Known issues of the 6.0 version are as follows.

#1384 - AuthorizedType is not deleted from web.config when uninstalling solution

When uninstalling the Document Converter’s front-end WSP SharePoint’s deployment mechanism does not retract all changes to the web.config file. This may lead to problems creating new SharePoint Designer workflows if a new version of the Document Converter is not installed after the uninstallation. To solve this problem remove all references to ‘Muhimbi.SharePoint.DocumentConverter.PDF’ from the ‘authorizedTypes’ section in the affected web.config files.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#689 - Password protected documents cannot be converted from SharePoint

Although our conversion engine has the ability to convert password protected documents via the Web Services interface, none of the SharePoint related user interfaces allow passwords to be entered. Please consider using our Workflow Power Pack in these situations as outlined in this article.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v5.2

Known issues of the 5.2 version are as follows.

#1572 / 1670 - Site and List workflows are not supported

All SharePoint Designer and Nintex Workflow activities shipped with the Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise are primarely aimed at workflows associated with Document Libraries. Regular List and Site Level workflows are currently not officially supported.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a text field (e.g. [%Shared Documents:Modified By%]) may have a side effect on any other text that is stored in the same text field. You will find that until this bug has been fixed by Microsoft, one level of back slashes is stripped out. A simple workaround is to replace any backslashes in your text with double backslashes (\\). SharePoint 2007 does not suffer from this problem.

#880 - Transparency settings in watermarks depend on PDF Reader.

The Document Converter allows transparency settings to be specified for entire watermarks as well as individual watermark elements. Some PDF Readers do not always interpret transparency of elements correctly. You may need to move your transparency settings from the watermark container to the individual elements.

#781 - Files containing macros fail to convert when using Visio 2010.

When using the beta version of Visio 2010 to convert Visio files that contain macros, the file will fail to convert. As a workaround remove the macro or use Visio 2007 to convert these kind of files.

#734 - MS-Word Documents containing the ASK field code do not convert.

MS-Word documents that contain this rare field code cause the converter to time out. To quickly check if a document contains such a field code, press CTRL-A to select all text and then press F9 to refresh all field codes. If a dialog box shows up asking for text to be entered then your document contains an ASK field code. Please remove it before conversion.

#686 - Central Administration screen only available in English

Although the user facing screens are available in multiple languages, the Central Administration configuration screen is only available in English.

#687 - Not all converters generate PDF Bookmarks

Some converters are not able to to automatically generate PDF Bookmarks.

#668 - InfoPath Character spacing is not optimal

Although in general the converted InfoPath files look good, character spacing may be less than optimal. As a work around try to use different fonts, separate Print Views or switching the server to InfoPath 2010, which is much improved.

#678 - Empty Excel sheets cannot be converted

Excel sheets that contain no data cannot be converted to PDF format.

#689 - Password protected documents cannot be converted from SharePoint

Although our conversion engine has the ability to convert password protected documents via the Web Services interface, none of the SharePoint related user interfaces allow passwords to be entered. Please consider using our Workflow Power Pack in these situations as outlined in this article.

#701 - Smart art objects are not converted for PPT files

PowerPoint files that contain ‘smart art’ objects and are saved in the ‘Pre Office 2007’ PPT format are converted correctly with the exception of the Smart Art. As a workaround switch to using Office 2010 on the server or save the presentation using the PPTX, ODP or XML format.

Document Converter for SharePoint On-Premise v5.1

Known issues of the 5.1 version are as follows.

#1508 - Nintex File Merge activity fails when used inside a ‘For each’ iterator

Using the PDF Merge activity in a Nintex workflow crashes the workflow when this activity is used inside an iterator loop. As a workaround maintain a list of files to merge in a string and carry out the merging outside of the loop.

#1495 - Externally referenced images don’t always finish loading before conversion in InfoPath

When an InfoPath form contains a number of externally referenced large images then the PDF Conversion may be carried out before these images finish loading. As a workaround use smaller images or embed the images inside the InfoPath form.

#1399 - Uploading a file in SP2010 using Windows Explorer does not trigger insert Watermark

When using the new automatic watermarking functionality to apply watermarks when new files are uploaded, then this process is not triggered when using SharePoint 2010 AND uploading the file using the Windows Explorer. As a workaround either apply watermarks using workflows or upload files using the regular SharePoint upload facilities.

#1150 - Office DRM protected documents are not supported

Documents that have been encrypted and secured via Microsoft’s DRM solution are not supported at this moment in time.

#1149 - InfoPath 2010 Prioritises views selected in the Print Multiple Views dialog

InfoPath ships with a dialog box that allows the user to select which views (multiple) are printed when a form is sent to the printer. In InfoPath 2007 this functionality is ignored when generating PDF files, however in InfoPath 2010 these views are given priority over Muhimbi’s own dynamic view selection functionality. If you wish to use Muhimbi’s dynamic view selection features in combination with InfoPath 2010 then please make sure no views are selected in InfoPath’s Print Multiple Views dialog. We hope to find a more permanent workaround for a next software release.

#1139 - Dynamic lookup values in SP2010 workflows may behave unexpectedly

Due to a bug in SharePoint 2010, workflows that contain a lookup value as part of a tex