JavaScript PDF signature library

Nutrient Web SDK, a versatile JavaScript library, enables secure electronic and digital signatures on PDF documents. Developers can use our APIs to create, validate, and display digitally signed PDFs. Additionally, Nutrient Web SDK provides an intuitive user interface (UI) for hand-drawn electronic signatures, enhancing user experience.

Key capabilities

Create digital signatures

Securely sign PDFs using a private key with certificate-based digital signatures

Validate digital signatures

Easily verify certificates and digital signatures for authenticity


Add hand-drawn, scanned, or typed electronic signatures to PDF documents

Signature storage

Store eSignatures locally or remotely for future use and compliance


Automate workflows or trigger actions based on signature events

Adaptable UI

Personalize the signature interface, hide buttons, and match your branding


Sign PDFs directly in the browser, with no server-side processing required


Integrate PDF forms, annotations, editing tools, and other features

Introduction to signatures

Nutrient Web SDK streamlines paperless signing workflows with its Electronic Signature and Digital Signature components. These two components are available separately and function independently.
An electronic signature allows users to sign documents or data electronically, while a digital signature leverages advanced cryptographic techniques to add an extra layer of security to electronically signed documents, ensuring document integrity and authenticity.

Supported frameworks

Nutrient Web SDK exhibits broad compatibility across a spectrum of JavaScript frameworks, encompassing popular choices such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Svelte, Blazor, Next.js, TypeScript, and Nuxt.js. Furthermore, it seamlessly integrates with server-side technologies including ASP.NET, PHP, Laravel, and standard HTML5. Its framework-agnostic design relies solely on the presence of a DOM container for viewer instantiation, a requirement readily met by virtually any modern development framework.


Nutrient Web SDK offers seamless integration with a range of leading platforms, including SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft OneDrive, and Salesforce.


What types of signatures can I add to a PDF with this library? You can add electronic signatures, encrypted certificate-based digital signatures, or a combination of both, for comprehensive signing capabilities.
Can I validate signatures within my app? Absolutely! Nutrient Web SDK allows you to validate certificates and signatures directly within your app for enhanced security.
Is server-side processing required for signing PDFs? No, all signing processes are fully client-side, allowing you to sign PDFs directly in the browser without needing server-side processing.
Can I store electronic signatures for reuse? Yes, you can store electronic signatures either locally or remotely, making it easy to reuse them for future PDF signing tasks.
Is the signature UI customizable? Yes, the signature UI is fully customizable, allowing you to seamlessly adjust it to match your application’s design, workflow, and branding.

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