JavaScript document viewer library
Nutrient Web SDK includes support for client-side rendering of PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents directly on any browser — no external dependencies or MS Office licenses required. It offers developers a way to quickly embed a highly configurable document viewer in any JavaScript-based web application.
Key capabilities
Open PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents
Workload is offloaded to the client (no server needed)
Hide or add buttons, and match your look and feel
Mobile-friendly UI auto-adjusts to all screen sizes
Built-in assistive technology-friendly features
Works on all modern browsers and devices
Convert to PDF for collaboration, editing, and more
Essential guides

How to implement document streaming for instant on-demand page access

Page layout and scroll
How to configure single- or double-pages spreads and scrolling modes

Mobile responsive
Learn about the responsive capabilities of the user interface

Learn about the viewer’s accessibility features

How to manage zooming and configure automatic zoom
Viewing options
More viewer guides
Nutrient Web SDK is compatible with SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft OneDrive, and Salesforce.
Opening and viewing PDFs with Nutrient Web SDK
To load PDFs, use the load
method, which takes a Configuration
object as its parameter. This object specifies where the document is loaded on the page, the path to the source document, the license key, and more. For more information, see the guides on loading a document.