In education, whether it’s a large university or a local school district when it comes to managing workflows, accuracy and accountability are critical. Educational institutions deal with a tremendous amount of paperwork and regulations that must be managed daily. By automating the workflow around things like hiring, grant proposals, vendor management, capital expenditure, expense requests, centralized approvals, operations requests, etc. paper and manual processes disappear, leaving a more efficient and productive organization in its place.
Educational institutions and organizations need a cost-effective solution that allows for both the creation and re-use of customized, automated processes that can:
Limit or completely replace manual and paper-based processes for personnel actions
Centralize and streamline the review and approval process for requests
Track and summarize requests that needed to route through multiple departments before approval
Manage and vet school contractors to ensure compliance and provide proper approvals
Improve interdepartmental communication
Meet compliance and regulatory requirements
Improve the flow of approvals and documentation
Improve internal audit controls
Eliminate redundancies and consolidate internal services
Standardize staff hiring and onboarding
Improve crisis and threat management
Improve the Student Experience
With workflow automation, you can streamline workflow in critical, student-facing departments like Financial Aid, Admissions, Registration, and Academic Records. For instance, are there ways your financial aid office could better communicate with your admissions office on scholarship availability or your payroll office on student work-study funding?
By providing the back office with powerful automated processes and students with a customized portal to submit requests and information, schools can ensure that students get what they need and the workload on administration staff is reduced, especially around heavy admission seasons.
By replacing slow, manual processes with an automated workflow you can move students through their processes faster , improving their experience and earning more revenue for the school.
Nutrient Workflow is Highly Customizable and System Agnostic
Every educational institution maintains a portfolio of applications that help get things done: Accounting, CRM, MRM, ERP, etc. Each of these enterprise applications does what it does extremely well. However, there is always work that needs to get done across multiple departments and/or systems. There are internal processes that are platform agnostic and, instead, look at the organization itself as the platform.
Implementing a workflow automation system that can talk to these existing applications and pass information between them ensures that processes aren’t stymied by chokepoints between systems. Nutrient Workflow can be the “glue” that holds your disparate systems together.
Workflow Examples
What can educational institutions automate with Nutrient Workflow? Here is a small list of examples:
Grant proposal processes
Payment/Financial disbursement requests
Faculty travel requests
Transcript requests
Internship applications
Class schedule approvals
Student registration
Financial aid requests
Budget request approvals
Staff and faculty onboarding
Recruiting authorizations
Curriculum peer reviews
Vendor approvals
Case Studies
Download our free “Workflow Automation Guide”
Learn more about how workflow automation can help remove process bottlenecks and streamline your organization.
Customer Quote
“For all the users on this campus, even those initially resistant to change, they can now see where their request is, rather than just think it’s a piece of paper laying on someone’s desk somewhere.”
– Pete Able, Manager of Human Resources and Financial Systems at Baylor University